Sunday Services
Each Sunday we have two services
. The 9.00 am Communion Service followed by the 10:30 am family services. Click on the red links in the article below to discover more about our range of services.
9.00 am Communion Service
Communion service at 9.00 am is a quiet, reflective service of communion in traditional language and traditional style. If you arrive at 9.00 am there will always be a Holy Communion service for you, excepting only Remembrance Sunday (when there is a single well-attended service at 10 am).
10.30 Family Friendly Service
All the 10.30 services are completely family-friendly and the style of the service varies in a regular pattern across the month.
If you arrive at 10.30 there will always be a family friendly service for you, excepting only Remembrance Sunday (when there is a single well-attended service at 10 am).
The 10.30 services offer varied formats and styles of worship:
First Sundays -
Morning Worship
Second Sundays -
Morning Worship
Third Sundays -
Questions of Life
Fourth Sundays -
Parish Communion
Fifth Sundays - an informal
Cafe Church.
Once a month there is an informal evening Prayer and Praise service at 7 pm for about an hour. Please see the weekly printed sheet of church notices (this is given out at the church services) or
Upcoming Events or the latest
Church Newsletter for full dates and details of this service.
Finding the Church and Car Parking
We meet at St John the Baptist Church which can be found on the right hand side set back from the road on the A 415 as you leave the village towards Abingdon.
There is parking available by the church as you can see in the photo below. Please do not park on the grass in winter. Also please leave the spaces immediately adjacent to the church gate for disabled / those who struggle to walk.
It is also possible to park in Frax Close.
Facilities and Disabled Access
The Church Room has a Disabled Toilet which is used by all congregation members.
There is ramped access with a handrail to the Church and to the Church Room. Should you need this then please follow the left hand path around the Church as you enter the Churchyard.
The path to the right hand side of the Church has a few shallow steps with a handrail.
What to Expect
You can expect a warm welcome, and a friendly bunch of people gathering to learn more about God. You will be given any hymn books or service sheets and notice sheets by a Welcomer as you enter the church. You may sit on any pew, though some are warmer, being directly underneath the heaters.
Hearing Loop
If you need to use the Hearing Loop and it is too quiet or loud for you, please speak to a Welcomer. There is a Hearing Loop available but it is not often used - so the volume level may need adjusting for you.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are usually served in the adjacent Church Room after the services. You are very welcome to stay and chat, or you may need to leave directly after the service as you choose.
Get Involved
We have plenty of opportunities to join in and after you have been coming for a while you may discover a calling to join in in some way. Please talk to David or any of the leaders about how you can become part of the many teams within the church.
Come and join us!
If you would like to know more about our Sunday Services
click here to contact us.