For practical help, eg with shopping or collecting prescriptions etc, contact Peter on 01865 820805
For administrative help (eg receiving Pews News), go to the Contact page.
Also see our
Facebook page.
Upcoming Events
Last update - 10 Oct 2022
Sunday 16 Oct
09.00am Communion
10.30am Morning Worship
Other Activities
Daily Morning Prayer Service
A small group of us meet each weekday morning at 8am to follow the Church of England service of Morning Prayer.
If you would like to participate in our group, please contact Susan or Stephen via the Contact page.
You can follow the liturgy for the service or pick up the app for your phone from the CofE Daily Prayer page.
Prayer & Praise - 17.45 (Coffee) for 18.00 in Church Hall
Generally first Sunday of month (not Aug)
4 Sep Praise - contemporary worship, with a short talk and prayer for village, the country and the world
Christianity Explored - in Jan/Feb 2022
What’s it all about, then? If you have questions about life’s big issues, explore life and the Christian faith at Christianity Explored, from the comfort of your own home, via Zoom: a short, interesting video, a lively discussion, everyone has the chance to share their views, it doesn’t matter what you do or do not believe, come and explore! Seven Friday afternoons, 2.00-3.00pm, starting 28 January.
Book in with David, 820451, or
KBS Café
Now active again - see Cafe News.
Fizzy Coffee
At 10.30 every Friday, several of us get together on Zoom with a cup of coffee and discuss the theme for the week (communicated in advance). Details from Stephen; Zoom info in Pews News.
Church Groups
We normally have a range of groups for adults and children. Being a member of a weekly housegroup can be a rewarding way to deepen your faith and get to know some people better. Several Zoom and WhatsApp Church Groups for adults have already started to keep people in touch and for social support.
Contact David for more information.
Petypher House Group
First Tuesday of the month at 3pm. Open to anyone, not only Petypher House residents. Speak to Pat for more details.
Film Club - hope to resume in Autumn 2022
First Friday of the month at 7.15pm in the Church Room. Free popcorn, hot drink and chocolates passed round. No children under 16. Contact Margo or Corrinna for more details.
Personal Discipleship Plan
Our supportive new Personal Discipleship Plan (PDP) initiative links you up with David (our Vicar) for two or three chats over a few months. During these conversations, you will be able to discuss your spiritual journey and your gifting, and you will be encouraged in your development of your inner spiritual life in Christ Jesus.
Contact David for more information. These meetings can be done online.
Abingdon Food Bank
If you would like to contribute, please leave non-perishable food items with Jenny Weaving, Hazel Brennan or Susan Green. You can leave these items in the box outside their front doors. Jenny will then transport these items to the Food Bank.
If you would prefer to donate money instead, then follow this link:
Open the Book
A team from the congregation visits John Blandy School once every half term to read and act-out a Bible story at a morning assembly. We try and involve a small number of children each time and have great fun dressing up. The whole assembly takes about an hour (20 mins preparation, 20 mins to tell the story and 20 mins to clear away) and we have two very short rehearsals the week before. You don’t need to be an Oscar-winning actor to take part and most roles are non-speaking. We really need to expand the team and would love some of you to join us. If you would like to know a little more please speak to Margo, Hazel or Peter.
Administrative Matters
Giving during Coronavirus Restrictions
For those of you who would normally give on a Sunday through the green envelope schemes and have been unable to do so at the present, you may donate by
a) Setting up a direct on-line payment through the
Parish Giving Scheme
b) Continuing to use the Gift Aid envelopes - a supply is available at the West Door of the Church. You can post your current and outstanding donations through Hazel Brennan’s letter box.
If you feel God might be calling you to join the PCC or become a Churchwarden in the future, please see David, speak to our current Churchwardens or a current PCC member.
To join the PCC, you will need to be on the Electoral Roll.
Safeguarding Training
A reminder for Church Officers who need to renew their safeguarding training:
If you have not previously completed courses C0 & C1 you must now complete "Basic Awareness" and "Foundation" safeguarding training before attending a Leadership session. These online modules can be accessed at:
As Safeguarding Officer, Susan Green would be grateful if everyone she has asked to undertake an on-line Safeguarding course would let her know when this has been completed.
Technical Team
Please speak to David if you would be willing to help:
Set up and take down the projectors and run the service PowerPoints, and/or
Operate the Music Box, a digital hymnal which is set up before the service - no musical ability required!
Training can be given and it's fun to be involved.
External Links
Stephen Haywood, 26/04/2020