
Sunday Services

Most Sundays, we have two services in our Church: St. John the Baptist (Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor)


  • Said Communion, using the traditional form of service from "Common Worship"
 IMG 2008


A more contemporary service.
  • Morning Worship - usually first and third Sundays
  • All-Age Service - usually second Sunday
  • Village Communion: using the contemporary form of service from "Common Worship" - usually fourth Sunday
  • Cafe Church: relaxed service in the Village Hall, including bacon butties and an interactive talk - fifth Sunday 
 IMG 2014

Find out about our Church facilities etc.

Prayer & Praise - stopped for time-being

Once a month at 6pm - come for coffee at 5.50.
A service with contemporary worship, a short message and open prayer for the world, the village, our friends and our mission.
P & P - 4 Sep (2)


Children are welcome to all our services, although they will probably feel more comfortable at 10.30.
We have a Cosy Corner where little ones can sit with parents and some resources for older children.
Children's Church takes place on the first Sunday of ever month, and we hope to add more Sundays to this during 2025. 
There is an All-Age Service for everyone (not just children) on second Sunday of month.
Messy Church

We organise Messy Church in the Village Hall when we can. 
Open the Book

Once a term, we take "Open the Book" to the village school. The team act out a short bible story for the children.
We also run a workshop on Malawi in the school once or twice a term.

We believe it is really important for church members to belong to a Home Group for fellowship, bible study and prayer.
When there is the demand, we run courses such as Alpha or Christianity Explored for those trying to find out about the Christian faith.
We have three Home Groups:

Wednesday Home Group
8.00 pm every Wednesday.
Contact: Maria Haywood
Petypher House Group
Aimed at the residents of Petypher House, but others welcome.
11.00 am on first Wednesday of month in Craft Room.
Contact: Pat Clamp

Our third group is not currently taking new members.

If you would like to join a group, please contact us or speak to a Church Warden.


Other Regular Activities

  • Morning Prayer

    A small group of us meet on Zoom each weekday morning at 8am to follow the Church of England service of Morning Prayer. If you would like to participate in our group, please contact Susan Green.
    You can follow the liturgy for the service or pick up the app for your phone from the CofE Daily Prayer page.
  • KBS Café

  • Village Lunch

  • Film Club

  • Fizzy Coffee


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