What were we doing as a church at the start of the new MAP ?
Worship: a range of traditional and informal services, including the main church festivals and the transfer of Café Church to the Village Hall; home groups (Hen House, Post-Alpha, Explore and Petypher House).
Prayer: the prayer chain, a monthly prayer evening at the Vicarage, a monthly Prayer’n Praise service; prayer triplets.
Community: the annual Church Fete, the weekly KBS Café, the bi-monthly Village Lunch, the Age-Concern facilitated Bereavement Group; a monthly film club; occasional village social evenings and coach trips; a door-to-door welcoming programme for new residents and the Village Showcase; the annual Run and Fun Run.
Men: occasional breakfasts; the annual Run and Fun Run (see above); a continuation of the Christians in Sport Quiz.
Women: occasional breakfasts.
Children: the weekly Space or All-age service; the Golden Eagles and Ignite home groups; holiday clubs; an occasional Fun Factor; and, for John Blandy School, a twice per term Open the Book, church volunteers reading regularly with children, assemblies, the Malawi project and planning to develop a link with a Malawian School, and the offer of visits to the church.
Youth: The Anchor Group
Overseas Mission: fund-raising for St Luke’s and St Martin’s hospitals in Malawi, together with periodic visits to fact-find and to develop relationships; support for John Blandy School link plans (see above).
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