The principles agreed in the previous Mission Action Plan were reviewed and re-formulated as follows:
Adopt a more mission-focussed outlook, with a greater emphasis on “proclamation” and “persuasion” (see para 4 below).
Provide for the spiritual needs of all elements of the community, including the traditional or inherited forms of worship to which our church has long been accustomed, but also less formal worship, with appropriate style and music, better family and child-related focus, improved service welcome and follow-up; this might involve new forms and days and times of worship.
Identify and respond to potential community needs, including social isolation and poverty, developing local partnerships, networking with local organisations and the wider community, while continuing primarily to do what we do or can do well.
Given that society has generally grown more remote from and much less knowledgeable about Christianity in recent decades, make positive attempts to meet the community “where it is”, following the LYCIG formula of “prayer”, “presence”, “proclamation” and “persuasion”, making a particular effort to address the decline in male involvement in worship.
Focus strongly on provision for families, children and young people.
Recognise that, as ordained clergy numbers are expected to continue to decline, there will be a growing need for lay leadership, involvement and associated training.
Above all, to do more to identify ourselves as Christians, developing congregations that are truly Christian communities, focussed on God, prayerful, enthusiastic in proclaiming the Good News, welcoming, joyful, caring and nurturing in all their relationships – in short congregations that are seen to be living their faith.
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